@incollection{Str{\"a}hleKreuzhermes2017, author = {Str{\"a}hle, Jochen and Kreuzhermes, Sarah}, title = {Impact of sustainable manufacturing standards for retail brands}, booktitle = {Green fashion retail}, isbn = {978-981-10-2440-5}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-10-2440-5_5}, institution = {Texoversum}, pages = {77 -- 93}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to define what impacts sustainable manufacturing standards have for retail brands concerning the communication policy and to find possible solutions of how the companies can deal with them. Therefore, sustainable standards and the impacts on the internal and external communication are described. The enclosed discussion finds possible solutions for the negative impacts. A literature discussion has been conducted to investigate the purpose. Generally, there are many impacts fashion retails have to consider, if they want to transform their company to become more sustainable, because only the impacts on a defined part of the communication policy were huge. A limitation of this paper is that the proposals how retailers could deal with the impacts of the transformation of the company toward more sustainability need further research and tests until they are practicable.}, language = {en} }