@inproceedings{Luccarelli2016, author = {Luccarelli, Martin}, title = {Interdisciplinarity in product design education : balancing disciplines to foster creativity}, booktitle = {Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity, Atlanta, GA, November 2nd - 4th, 2016}, institution = {Texoversum}, pages = {1 -- 8}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The focus of this work lies on teaching methods for product design to stimulate novelty within a multiple disciplinary educational context. To address this issue, the different types of multiple disciplinary approach are presented by reviewing existing literature. As the initial study involved looking at the correlation between disciplines and product features, the definition of product design and its relationship with industrial design and other adjacent domains are introduced. The structure of a newly developed interdisciplinary master in product design is presented and, within this program, an educational activity fostering creativity in heterogeneous multiple disciplinary environments is described. Inspired by the approach of industrial designers to generate creative solutions, it is conceived to help product design students to flexibly adapt the problem and the solution space together through an iterative process.}, language = {en} }