@article{RossBeathMocker2019, author = {Ross, Jeanne and Beath, Cynthia and Mocker, Martin}, title = {Digital success requires breaking old rules}, journal = {MIT Center for Information Systems Research : Research briefing}, number = {10}, url = {https://cisr.mit.edu/publication/2019_1001_BreakingRules_RossBeathMocker}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {4}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Established companies are facing two transformations involving digital technologies: becoming digitized and becoming digital. The platforms enabling these transformations are fundamentally different in their purpose, target state, success metrics — and especially, in the key responsibilities of senior leaders. Because of these differences, companies will need to apply new rules new roles, processes, metrics, and norms — to the new digital platform. To develop new rules leaders should (1) separate the teams working on the digital platform, (2) allow digital platform leaders to experiment with new rules, and (3) identify new leaders and coach them to succeed with new rules. Given the time it takes to establish new rules, companies need to start breaking old rules now.}, language = {en} }