@inproceedings{NaegeleOhlhausenBraunetal.2021, author = {Rainer N{\"a}gele and Peter Ohlhausen and Anja Braun and Juliane Weigand and Simon Hoffmann and Yannick Brantner and Sarah M{\"u}ller and Ralf Ebner and Carolin Klenk and Nada Ruzicic and Franziska Gl{\"u}ck and Patrick Zythke}, title = {Smart Innovation – how will artificial intelligence influence innovation management?}, booktitle = {Innovating our Common Future : XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference, 20.-23. Juni 2021, Berlin, Germany, Online event, proceedings}, pages = {1 -- 13}, url = {http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-645784.html}, year = {2021}, }