@incollection{Textor2020, author = {Textor, Torsten}, title = {Industry, innovation and economic growth : The potential of interdisciplinary research and development: Or why textile works better as multi-disciplinary cooperation}, booktitle = {Technical textiles : innovations, trends, markets}, isbn = {978-3-86641-812-7}, institution = {Texoversum}, pages = {34 -- 36}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Are textile structures better? In the professional world, there is no doubt that textile composites can offer many advantages. It is well known that they are often better than non-textile alternatives. There are manifold examples. Innovative developments are not only the popular textile reinforced concrete which was awarded with the Deutscher Zukunftspreis (German Future Award) but also a huge number of probably less perceived or spectacular products based on fiber-reinforced plastics.}, language = {en} }