@incollection{Str{\"a}hleT{\"o}pfer2018, author = {Str{\"a}hle, Jochen and T{\"o}pfer, Myriam}, title = {Case study: EMP}, booktitle = {Fashion \& music}, isbn = {978-981-10-5637-6}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-10-5637-6_10}, institution = {Texoversum}, pages = {177 -- 199}, year = {2018}, abstract = {The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the business model of the retailer EMP. The in-depth literature review develops the relevance of merchandising for the rock and heavy metal scene and the relevance of EMP within that market. Literature about existing approaches of multi-channelling has been reviewed. Based on this theoretical framework, a case study of EMP has been drafted. Findings are discussed, focusing on the performance of EMP as a multi-channel and lifestyle retailer and additionally provide valuable managerial implications for fashion retailers. Implications for further research address lifestyle retailers to contribute to the findings or validate them with different examples. The research is clearly limited by the amount of scholar literature concerning EMP in particular. Hence, magazines, journals and information provided by the company serve as reference. Even though EMP provided some information, gathering any information about how EMP manages multi channelling operationally was not possible.}, language = {en} }