@article{JansenTaschnerBeyer2018, author = {Jansen, Jan and Taschner, Andreas and Beyer, Hans-Martin}, title = {Supply chain finance in SMEs: a comparative study in the automotive sector in Germany and The Netherlands}, journal = {Logistiek : tijdschrift voor toegepaste logistiek}, number = {5}, url = {http://www.kennisdclogistiek.nl/publicaties/supply-chain-finance-in-smes-a-comparative-study-in-the-automotive-sector-in-germany-and-the-netherlands}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {59 -- 81}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this exploratory research eight suppliers in the automotive industry are interviewed to measure the application of supply chain finance instruments in their supply chain in the Netherlands and the region of South-West Germany. Current adoption levels and reasons for non adoption are discussed. Based on these indicative results, a set of hypotheses is suggested for further research. The theoretical base of this study is a conceptual model of Supply Chain Finance based on literature research and empirical research in the Netherlands.}, language = {en} }