@incollection{B{\"u}hlerNufer2014, author = {B{\"u}hler, Andr{\´e} and Nufer, Gerd}, title = {International sports Marketing : introduction and perspectives}, booktitle = {International sports marketing : principles and perspectives}, editor = {B{\"u}hler, Andr{\´e} and Nufer, Gerd}, isbn = {978-3-503-14141-8}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {3 -- 19}, year = {2014}, abstract = {This introductory chapter starts with a brief discussion about the differences between the long-standing perspective of sports marketing and more modern sports marketing approach. The discussion leads to the ultimate question whether sports marketing can be seen as a new and independent marketing discipline rather than a normal form of marketing. In addition, a coherent definition of sports marketing will be presented which serves as the underlining definition of this edition volumen. Then the most important characteristics of sports of a marketing perspective will be explained using some real-life examples. The structure as well as the individual chapters of this book will be introduced in the following. This first chapter concludes with the introduction of the German Institute for Sports Marketing which has been founded by the editors of this book.}, language = {en} }