@inproceedings{PalmFedorovskaiaNarinskyetal.2019, author = {Palm, Daniel and Fedorovskaia, Karina and Narinsky, Leonid and Brinster, Elena}, title = {Classification and use of product related services in the automotive industry}, booktitle = {Knowledge valorisation in the age of digitalization : International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA 19): Proceedings, 30 January 2019 - 1 February 2019, Stellenbosch, South Africa}, editor = {Dimitrov, Dimitri}, isbn = {978-0-7972-1779-9}, url = {https://conferences.sun.ac.za/index.php/COMA19/index/schedConfs/archive}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {521 -- 526}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Because of saturated markets and of the low profit margins in the sales of cars, car manufacturers focus more and more on profitable product related services. This paper deals with the question how to classify product related services in the automotive industry and which characteristic product related services are offered to the end-users (consumers) in a standardized format. Two research studies on the provided product related services in 2010 und 2017 by 15 car manufacturers and 20 exemplary automotive brands in Germany revealed that the application degree by the OEM (original equipment manufacturers) in these years increased considerably. While in 2010, the average range of services only amounted to 33\%, the value in the automotive industry increased until 2017 to 57\%.}, language = {en} }