@article{MockerRossBeath2019, author = {Mocker, Martin and Ross, Jeanne and Beath, Cynthia}, title = {How companies use digital technologies to enhance customer offerings - summary of survey findings}, journal = {Working papers / Center for Information Systems Research}, number = {434}, organization = {Center for Information Systems Research}, url = {https://cisr.mit.edu/publication/MIT_CISRwp434_Designed4DigitalSurveyReport_MockerRossBeath}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {1 -- 14}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Digital technologies are transforming how companies do business. Social, mobile, analytics, cloud, and the Internet of Things - which together we refer to as SMACIT - along with artificial intelligence, blockchain, and an ongoing procession of new technologies create new capabilities : specifically, ubiquitous data, unlimited connectivity, and massive, affordable processing power.}, language = {en} }