@inproceedings{Bauervan DintherKiefer2020, author = {Bauer, Markus and van Dinther, Clemens and Kiefer, Daniel}, title = {Machine learning in SME: an empirical study on enablers and success factors}, booktitle = {AMCIS 2020 proceedings - Advancings in information systems research : August 10-14, 2020, Online}, url = {https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2020/adv_info_systems_research/adv_info_systems_research/3}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Machine learning (ML) techniques are rapidly evolving, both in academia and practice. However, enterprises show different maturity levels in successfully implementing ML techniques. Thus, we review the state of adoption of ML in enterprises. We find that ML technologies are being increasingly adopted in enterprises, but that small and medium-size enterprises (SME) are struggling with the introduction in comparison to larger enterprises. In order to identify enablers and success factors we conduct a qualitative empirical study with 18 companies in different industries. The results show that especially SME fail to apply ML technologies due to insufficient ML knowhow. However, partners and appropriate tools can compensate this lack of resources. We discuss approaches to bridge the gap for SME.}, language = {en} }