@incollection{TaschnerGr{\"u}newald2021, author = {Taschner, Andreas and Gr{\"u}newald, Hazel}, title = {Digitalization in global supply chain operations}, booktitle = {Global logistics : new directions in supply chain management}, editor = {Sweeney, Edward and Waters, Donald}, edition = {8th Edition}, isbn = {9781398600003}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {358 -- 381}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Logistics has undergone tremendous changes over the past few decades. Above all with the advent of the digital age, we have witnessed the significant impact of new technologies on supply chains in terms of business transformation, increased agility and performance. However, many businesses have chosen to harness the full potential of these technologies to create further value (Bughin et al, 2017). High investment costs, fears for cyber security, a lack of expertise in the workforce and insufficient awareness of the concrete benefits of these technologies are just some of the factors hampering the decision to adopt digital technologies. The following chapter draws on the findings of both recent quantitative and qualitative research conducted by practitioners und academics.}, language = {en} }