@inproceedings{N{\"a}geleOhlhausenBraunetal.2021, author = {N{\"a}gele, Rainer and Ohlhausen, Peter and Braun, Anja and Weigand, Juliane and Hoffmann, Simon and Brantner, Yannick and M{\"u}ller, Sarah and Ebner, Ralf and Klenk, Carolin and Ruzicic, Nada and Gl{\"u}ck, Franziska and Zythke, Patrick}, title = {Smart Innovation - how will artificial intelligence influence innovation management?}, booktitle = {Innovating our Common Future : XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference, 20.-23. Juni 2021, Berlin, Germany, Online event, proceedings}, isbn = {978- 952-335-467-8}, url = {http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-645784.html}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {1 -- 13}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Imagine a world in which the search for tomorrow's trends is not subject to a long and laborious data search but is possible with a single mouse click. Through the use of artificial intelligence (AI), this reality is made possible and is to be further advanced through research. The study therefore aims to provide an initial overview of the young research field. Based on research, expert interviews, company and student surveys, current application possibilities of AI in the innovation process (defined as Smart Innovation), existing challenges that slow down the further development are discussed in more detail and future application possibilities are presented. Finally, a recommendation for action is made for business, politics and science to help overcome the current obstacles together and thus drive the future of Smart Innovation.}, language = {en} }