@inproceedings{EchelmeyerNguyenMete2023, author = {Echelmeyer, Wolfgang and Nguyen, Tuan and Mete, Mert}, title = {Concept for a revolution of public transport}, booktitle = {Advances in system-integrated intelligence : proceedings of the 6th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt 2022), 7-9 September 2022, Genova, Italy (Lecture notes in networks and systems ; 546)}, isbn = {978-3-031-16281-7}, issn = {2367-3370}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-16281-7_46}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {489 -- 494}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Public transport causes in rural areas high costs per passenger and kilometer as the frequency of scheduled busses is low and therefore, many people avoid using public transport. With the trend of moving from urban regions to countryside individual traffic will further increase. To tackle issues of emissions, mobility for young and elderly people and provide economically meaningful public transport a new concept was elaborated in Germany. This consists of (partly) autonomous shuttle busses which are remote controlled. For implementation rural districts of Germany have worked together and set up a three-phase plan consisting of a project with public funding, a highly frequent used pilot region and industrial partners with the commitment and possibilities for necessary investments. The concept promises economical value with respect to installation, service and maintaining costs, it leads to lower barriers for public transport of young and elderly people and ultimately reduces emissions and congestions.}, language = {en} }