@inproceedings{SielaffLuckeSauer2022, author = {Sielaff, Lennard and Lucke, Dominik and Sauer, Alexander}, title = {Defining the technical availability of a production system with respect to its complexity}, booktitle = {Engineering proceedings}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, doi = {10.3390/IECMA2022-12892}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {20}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Production systems are becoming increasingly complex, which means that the main task of industrial maintenance, ensuring the technical availability of a production system, is also becoming increasingly difficult. The previous focus of maintenance efforts on individual machines must give way to a holistic view encompassing the whole production system. Against this background, the technical availability of a production system must be redefined. The aim of this publication is to present different definition approaches of production systems' availability and to demonstrate the effects of random machine failures on the key figures considering the complexity of the production system using a discrete event simulation.}, language = {en} }