@book{TaschnerCharifzadeh2023, author = {Taschner, Andreas and Charifzadeh, Michel}, title = {Management accounting in supply chains}, edition = {2nd {\"u}berarb. u. erw. edition}, isbn = {978-3-658-41299-9}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-41300-2}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {341}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In today's business landscape, companies compete more and more as integrated supply chains rather than as individual firms. The success of the entire supply chain determines the economic well-being of each company involved. With management attention shifting to supply chains, the role of management accounting naturally must extend to the cross-company layer as well. This book demonstrates how management accounting can make a significant contribution to supply chain success. It targets students who are already familiar with the fundamentals of accounting and want to extend their expertise in the field of cross-company (or network) management accounting. Practitioners will draw valuable insights from the text as well. This second edition includes a new chapter on Digitalization and Supply Chain Accounting, as well as new opener cases to each chapter that provide real-world examples.}, language = {en} }