@article{SielaffLuckeSauer2023, author = {Sielaff, Lennard and Lucke, Dominik and Sauer, Alexander}, title = {Evaluation of a production system's technical availability and maintenance cost - development of requirements and literature review}, journal = {International journal of computer integrated manufacturing : IJCIM}, volume = {36}, number = {12}, issn = {0951-192X}, doi = {10.1080/0951192X.2023.2177739}, institution = {ESB Business School}, pages = {1801 -- 1822}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In increasingly complex production environments, tremendous efforts are being made to optimize the efficiency of a production system. An important efficiency factor is industrial maintenance, both influencing the cost and securing the technical availability of machines and components. Maintenance managers are required to deliver the necessary availability of the production system while minimizing the resources needed to do so. To make this possible, a method to evaluate the dependency between the technical availability of an entire production system and maintenance resources is necessary. This paper presents a systematic literature review of such methods is presented. In order to assess the methods proposed in the literature, first, requirements are developed, including a necessary focus on maintenance strategies within these methods. Including maintenance strategies is necessary since they provide the foundation for both the availability of a component and the maintenance resources needed. In total, 13 requirements are developed, and 21 different methods are evaluated. Only one of the proposed methods addresses all requirements, with others lacking possible combinations of maintenance strategies and the resulting influences on the production system.}, language = {en} }