@article{SurmenevaKleinhansVacunetal.2015, author = {Maria Surmeneva and Claudia Kleinhans and Gabriele Vacun and Petra Kluger and Veronika Sch{\"o}nhaar and Michaela M{\"u}ller and Sebastian Boris Hein and Alexandra Wittmar and Mathias Ulbricht and Oleg Prymak and Christian Oehr and Oleg Surmenev}, title = {Nano-hydroxyapatite-coated metal-ceramic composite ofiron-tricalcium Phosphate : improving the surface wettability,adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells in vitro}, journal = {Colloids and surfaces B : biointerfaces}, number = {135}, pages = {386 -- 393}, doi = {10.1016/j.colsurfb.2015.07.057}, year = {2015}, }