@article{FalomirOrtega Ram{\´i}rezMart{\´i}nez Madridetal.2017, author = {Falomir, Zoe and Ortega Ram{\´i}rez, Juan Antonio and Mart{\´i}nez Madrid, Natividad and Guesguen, Hans}, title = {Thematic issue on human-centred ambient intelligence: cognitive approaches, reasoning and learning}, journal = {Journal of ambient intelligence and smart environments}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, issn = {1876-1364}, doi = {10.3233/AIS-170449}, institution = {Informatik}, pages = {539 -- 542}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This editorial presents advances on human-centred Ambient Intelligence applications which take into account cognitive issues when modelling users (i.e. stress, attention disorders), and learn users' activities/preferences and adapt to them (i.e. at home, driving a car). These papers also show AmI applications in health and education, which make them even more valuable for the general society.}, language = {en} }