@inproceedings{GaidukWeberSeepoldetal.2022, author = {Maksym Gaiduk and Lucas Weber and Ralf Seepold and Natividad Mart{\´i}nez Madrid and Massimo Conti and Simone Orcioni}, title = {Involving the disabled or people in long-term care in tourism activities by the use of appropriate technologies}, booktitle = {Social innovation in long-term care through digitalization : proceedings of the German-Italian Workshop LTC-2021, Ancona, Italy, 2-4 November 2021 (Lecture notes in bioengineering)}, editor = {Massimo Conti and Simone Orcioni}, pages = {87 -- 95}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-16855-0\_10}, year = {2022}, }