@inproceedings{TchegBelloPouh{\`e}2017, author = {Tcheg, Paul and Bello, Kolawole and Pouh{\`e}, David}, title = {A planar equiangular spiral antenna array for the V-/W-Band}, booktitle = {2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP) : 19 - 24 March 2017}, editor = {Sibille, Alain}, isbn = {978-88-907018-7-0}, doi = {10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928487}, institution = {Technik}, pages = {1148 -- 1152}, year = {2017}, abstract = {This work presents a spiral antenna array, which can be used in the V- and W-Band. An array equipped with Dolph-Chebychev coefficients is investigated to address issues related to the low gain and side lobe level of the radiating structure. The challenges encountered in this achievement are to provide an antenna that is not only good matched but also presents an appreciable effective bandwidth at the frequency bands of interest. Its radiation properties including the effective bandwidth and the gain are analyzed for the W-Band.}, language = {en} }