@inproceedings{WattenbergPfost2017, author = {Wattenberg, Martin and Pfost, Martin}, title = {A novel dual active bridge configuration for wide voltage conversion ratios}, booktitle = {2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE '17 ECCE Europe) : 11-14 Sept. 2017}, isbn = {978-90-75815-27-6}, doi = {10.23919/EPE17ECCEEurope.2017.8099143}, institution = {Technik}, pages = {1 -- 10}, year = {2017}, abstract = {A novel configuration of the dual active bridge (DAB) DC/DC converter is presented, enabling more efficient wide voltage range conversion at light loads. A third phase leg as well as a center tapped transformer are introduced to one side of the converter. This concept provides two different turn ratios, thus extending the zero voltage switching operation resulting in higher efficiency. A laboratory prototype was built converting an input voltage of 40V to an output voltage in the range of 350V to 650V. Measurements show a significant increase up to 20\% in the efficiency for light-load operation.}, language = {en} }