@inproceedings{KleinMart{\´i}nez MadridSeepoldetal.2017, author = {Klein, Agnes and Mart{\´i}nez Madrid, Natividad and Seepold, Ralf and Gaiduk, Maksym}, title = {Sleep phase identification based on non-invasive recordings}, booktitle = {AnBiPa 2016 : proceedings of the International Workshop on Analysis of Biometric Parameters to Detect Relationship between Stress and Sleep Quality : November 4, 2016, Universit{\`a} Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy}, editor = {Conti, Massimo}, isbn = {978-88-87548-09-9}, institution = {Informatik}, pages = {11 -- 13}, year = {2017}, abstract = {A sleep study is a test used to diagnose sleep disorders and is usually done in sleep laboratories. The golden standard for evaluation of sleep is overnight polysomnography (PSG). Unfortunately, in-lab sleep studies are expensive and complex procedures. Furthermore, with a minimum of 22 wire attachments to the patient for sleep recording, this medical procedure is invasive and unfamiliar for the subjects. To solve this problem, low-cost home diagnostic systems, based on noninvasive recording methods requires further researches. For this intention it is important to find suitable bio vital parameters for classifying sleep phases WAKE, REM, light sleep and deep sleep without any physical impairment at the same time. We decided to analyse body movement (BM), respiration rate (RR) and heart rate variability (HRV) from existing sleep recordings to develop an algorithm which is able to classify the sleep phases automatically. The preliminary results of this project show that BM, RR and HRV are suitable to identify WAKE, REM and NREM stage.}, language = {en} }