@inproceedings{ScherzSeepoldMart{\´i}nez Madridetal.2019, author = {Scherz, Wilhelm Daniel and Seepold, Ralf and Mart{\´i}nez Madrid, Natividad and Crippa, Paolo and Biagetti, Giorgio and Falaschetti, Laura and Turchetti, Claudio}, title = {Activity monitoring and phase detection using a portable EMG/ECG system}, booktitle = {Applications in electronics pervading industry, environment and society : APPLEPIES 2018. - (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering ; 550 )}, editor = {Saponara, Sergio}, isbn = {978-3-030-11973-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-11973-7_22}, institution = {Informatik}, pages = {187 -- 194}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The investigation of stress requires to distinguish between stress caused by physical activity and stress that is caused by psychosocial factors. The behaviour of the heart in response to stress and physical activity is very similar in case the set of monitored parameters is reduced to one. Currently, the differentiation remains difficult and methods which only use the heart rate are not able to differentiate between stress and physical activity, without using additional sensor data input. The approach focusses on methods which generate signals providing characteristics that are useful for detecting stress, physical activity, no activity and relaxation.}, language = {en} }