@inproceedings{TrieflingerM{\"u}nchLang2020, author = {Trieflinger, Stefan and M{\"u}nch, J{\"u}rgen and Lang, Dominic}, title = {The evolution of the DEEP model to enable product roadmapping in dynamic market environments}, booktitle = {SEAA 2020: the 46th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications ; proceedings of the Works in Progress Session, 26-18 August 2020, Portoroz, Slovenia (Virtual Event)}, editor = {Grosspietsch, Erwin and Kl{\"o}ckner, Konrad}, institution = {Informatik}, pages = {3}, year = {2020}, abstract = {It is essential for the success of a company to set a strategic direction in which a product offering will be developed over time to achieve the company vision. For this reason, roadmaps are used in practice. in general, roadmaps can be expressed in various forms such as technology roadmaps, product roadmaps or industry roadmaps. From the point of view of industry, the basic purpose of a roadmap is to explore, visualize and communicate the dynamic linkage between markets, products and technology.}, language = {en} }