@inproceedings{SpethBreitenb{\"u}cherKriegeretal.2023, author = {Speth, Sandro and Breitenb{\"u}cher, Uwe and Krieger, Niklas and Wippermann, Pia and Becker, Steffen}, title = {Integrating issue management systems of independently developed software components}, booktitle = {Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming : 24th International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 13-16, 2023, proceedings}, isbn = {978-3-031-33975-2}, issn = {1865-1348}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-33976-9_1}, institution = {Informatik}, pages = {3 -- 19}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Modern component-based architectural styles, e.g., microservices, enable developing the components independently from each other. However, this independence can result in problems when it comes to managing issues, such as bugs, as developer teams can freely choose their technology stacks, such as issue management systems (IMSs), e.g., Jira, GitHub, or Redmine. In the case of a microservice architecture, if an issue of a downstream microservice depends on an issue of an upstream microservice, this must be both identified and communicated, and the downstream service's issues should link to its causing issue. However, agile project management today requires efficient communication, which is why more and more teams are communicating through comments in the issues themselves. Unfortunately, IMSs are not integrated with each other, thus, semantically linking these issues is not supported, and identifying such issue dependencies from different IMSs is time-consuming and requires manual searching in multiple IMS technologies. This results in many context switches and prevents developers from being focused and getting things done. Therefore, in this paper, we present a concept for seamlessly integrating different IMS technologies into each other and providing a better architectural context. The concept is based on augmenting the websites of issue management systems through a browser extension. We validate the approach with a prototypical implementation for the Chrome browser. For evaluation, we conducted expert interviews, which approved that the presented approach provides significant advantages for managing issues of agile microservice architectures.}, language = {en} }