@inproceedings{WinterSchullerusDominicetal.2024, author = {Winter, Martin and Schullerus, Gernot and Dominic, Antony and Zenner, Thorsten}, title = {Optimal dynamic operation of electrolyzers considering energy dispatch intervals due to short term power allocation}, booktitle = {2024 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech) : 3rd-5th April 2024, Springdale, AR, USA, proceedings}, doi = {10.1109/GreenTech58819.2024.10520381}, institution = {Technik}, pages = {74 -- 79}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The production of green hydrogen is of paramount importance for the global transition to a carbon free energy supply. Electrolyzers that run on renewable energy are used to produce green hydrogen. The installed renewable power capacity is expected to vastly increase over the coming years. This greatly increased capacity in combination with the volatile nature of such power sources will require a short term energy dispatch. In this scenario an electrolyzer must be able to operate in dynamic conditions. This paper presents an optimal control solution to this future real world application considering the unique operational and economical characteristics of an electrolyzer as well as the dynamic mode of operation due to future short term energy dispatch. The necessity of such a control strategy is demonstrated by simulation results.}, language = {en} }