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The prosumer concept in fashion retail : potentials and limitations

  • The purpose of this paper is to highlight potentials and limitations of the prosumer concept in fashion retail. The paper illustrates the evolution of prosumption and in which directions the concept is being developed. The primary research is based on a literature review containing different sources of academic and non-academic references. Findings suggest that the prosumer concept is no new phenomenon. Recently, it has moved into the focus of companies that have noted that it is efficient when engaging with customers in order to strengthen their brand loyalty. An increasing number of companies offer innovative business models that underlie the concept. However, lately smart prosuming machines are changing the objectives of the concept. Even if the prosumer concept exists since many years and scholars investigate its potentials continuously, it is the fashion industry that has been researched comparatively little up to now.

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Author of HS ReutlingenSträhle, Jochen; Grünewald, Anna-Katharina
Erschienen in:Green fashion retail
Place of publication:Singapore
Document Type:Book chapter
Publication year:2017
Tag:Web 2.0; co-creation; prosumption; smart prosuming machines; third wave DIY
Page Number:23
First Page:95
Last Page:117
DDC classes:650 Management
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt