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The second hand market for fashion products

  • The second hand concept indicates a growing trend in clothing recently, leading to growing numbers of second hand shops and developments of new second hand retail forms. This paper concentrates on the current second hand market for fashion products and presents the different motives toward second hand consumption as well as alternative consumption channels for second hand products. The findings of the paper are founded on literature research of academic articles and case studies. Results show that there is a high potential for the second hand market due to the increasing interest of consumers in buying second hand products. The paper concentrates on the second hand market for fashion products in the western society. This means that there was no research on second hand products for disadvantaged people in poor countries. Furthermore, the paper focuses the formal second hand retail channels to see what is already on the market.

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Author of HS ReutlingenSträhle, Jochen; Klatt, Linda Maria
Erschienen in:Green fashion retail
Place of publication:Singapore
Document Type:Book chapter
Publication year:2017
Tag:consumption behaviour; distribution channels; second hand fashion products; second hand market; sustainability
Page Number:16
First Page:119
Last Page:134
DDC classes:650 Management
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt