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The learning factory: a didactic platform for knowledge transfer in South Africa

  • During the first years of their employment, the graduates are a liability to industry. The employer goes an extra mile to bridge the gap between university-exiting and profitable employment of engineering graduates. Unfortunately some cannot take this risk. Given this scenario, this paper presents a learning factory approach as a platform for the application of knowledge so as to develop the required engineering competences in South African engineering graduates before they enter the labour market. It spells out the components of a Stellenbosch University Learning Factory geared towards production of engineering graduates with the required industrial skills. It elaborates on the didactics embedded in the learning factory environment, tailor-made to produce engineers who can productively contribute to the growth of the industry upon exiting the university.

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Author of HS ReutlingenHummel, Vera
Erschienen in:Resource efficiency for global competitiveness : International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing COMA '16, 27 January - 29 January 2016, Stellenbosch, South Africa ; proceedings
Publisher:Stellenbosch University
Place of publication:Stellenbosch
Editor:Dimiter Dimitrov, Gert Adriaan Oosthuizen
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2016
Tag:competences; didactics; industry; learning factory; university graduates
Page Number:5
First Page:461
Last Page:465
DDC classes:670 Industrielle und handwerkliche Fertigung
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Open Access