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Not seeing is believing - how established premium automotive manufacturers could have better identified competitive blind spots regarding Tesla's rise with qualitative system dynamics

  • In this paper we claim that a competitive analysis with new players entering a market requires a specific and systems-based analysis. System dynamics provides such an approach. We infer from our study that established premium automobile manufacturers could have identified a possible threat by a newcomer like Tesla earlier with using system dynamics. In particular, we postulate that a feedback view supports decision makers to better understand the significance of competitive information and perceive information faster and more reliably.

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Author of HS ReutlingenKapmeier, Florian; Pölz, Phlipp
Erschienen in:Kybernetik und Transformation : Regelung und Kommunikation in Organisation und Gesellschaft : wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialkybernetik am 13. und 14. Oktober 2015 in Vallendar am Rhein. - (Wissenschaftskybernetik und Systemanalyse ; Band 31)
Publisher:Duncker & Humblot
Place of publication:Berlin
Editor:Sven-Volker Rehm
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2017
Page Number:29
First Page:163
Last Page:191
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:330 Wirtschaft
Open access?:Nein