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Self-healing of densely crosslinked thermoset polymers : a critical review

  • Structural and functional thermosetting composite materials are exposed to different kinds of stress which can damage the polymer matrix, thus impairing the intended properties. Therefore, self-healing materials have attracted the attention of many research groups over the last decades in order to provide satisfactory material properties and outstanding product durability. The present article provides a critical overview of promising self-healing strategies for crosslinked thermoset polymers. It is organized in two parts: an overview about the different approaches to self-healing is given in the first part, whereas the second part focuses on the specific chemistries of the main strategies to achieve self-healing through crosslinking. It is attempted to provide a comprehensive discussion of different approaches which are described in the scientific literature. By comparison of the advantages and disadvantages, the authors wish to provide helpful insights on the assessment of the potential to transfer the extensive present knowledge about self-healing materials and methods to surface varnishing thermoset coatings.

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Author of HS ReutlingenKandelbauer, Andreas
Erschienen in:Progress in organic coatings
Place of publication:Amsterdam
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2017
Tag:coatings; extrinsic; intrinsic; polymers; self-healing; thermoset
Page Number:18
First Page:232
Last Page:249
DDC classes:540 Chemie
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt