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Abrasion resistance of textiles : gaining insight into the damaging mechanisms of different test procedures

  • Three established test methods employed for evaluating the abrasion or wear resistance of textile materials were compared to gain deeper insight into the specific damaging mechanisms to better understand a possible comparability of the results of the different tests. The knowledge of these mechanisms is necessary for a systematic development of finishing agents improving the wear resistance of textiles. Martindale, Schopper, and Einlehner tests were used to analyze two different fabrics made of natural (cotton) or synthetic (polyethylene terephthalate) fibers, respectively. Samples were investigated by digital microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to visualize the damage. Damage symptoms are compared and discussed with respect to differences in the damaging mechanisms.

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Author of HS ReutlingenTextor, Torsten
Erschienen in:Journal of engineered fibers and fabrics
Place of publication:London
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2019
Tag:Einlehner test; Martindale test; Schopper test; abrasion resistance; damage mechanism; wear resistance
Page Number:7
DDC classes:670 Industrielle und handwerkliche Fertigung
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International