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Cinema films influencing fashion

  • The connection of fashion and film seems symbiotic at first sight and they influence each other. There exist differences, including a different understanding of clothing by costume designers and fashion businesses. This article focuses on two successful movies „The Hunger Games“ and „The Great Gatsby“ in order to explore the role of film in fashion and vice versa. The findings suggest, that there are various collections in the fashion world, based on both movies. Therefore, movies indeed have an influence on the development of seasonal fashion. However, this connection is not natural, but rather artificially created by both industries. Through nowadays organized co-operation, the lines between costume designers and fashion designers get blurred. Furthermore, today fashion doesn’t trickle down to an audience naturally, but promoted using the film and its broad reach.

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Author of HS ReutlingenBug, Peter; Niemann, Charlotte Laila; Welle, Lisa
Erschienen in:Fashion and film : moving images and consumer behavior
Place of publication:Singapore
Editor:Peter Bug
Document Type:Book chapter
Publication year:2020
Tag:The Great Gatsby; The Hunger Games; cinema film; costume design; fashion and cinema; fashion and film
Page Number:20
First Page:9
Last Page:28
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:391 Kleidung, äußeres Erscheinungsbild
791 Öffentliche Darbietungen, Film, Rundfunk
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt