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Predictors of academic success of national and international students : Findings from a study at an international business programme in Germany

  • Given the increasing internationalisation of higher education, universities compete more and more not only for national but even more for international students. Selecting the best candidates from the pool of international applicants is a challenge. In our study, we analysed which criteria are best to predict the academic performance of students coming from different countries with different education systems, using different grade point average (GPA) standards. Using an administrative data set from an International Business programme at a German university of applied sciences, we explored the predictive power of adjusted high school GPA, IQ test result, interview score and first year grades in English, maths, and statistics.

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Author of HS ReutlingenFerencz, Marlene; Hormuth, Julia
Erschienen in:Internationalisation of higher education : policy and practice
Publisher:DUZ Medienhaus
Place of publication:Berlin
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2021
Tag:academic performance; diverse student body; international students; predictors; student selection
Page Number:19
First Page:45
Last Page:63
Article Number:B 2.13
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:370 Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen
Open access?:Nein