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Does a halo effect exist in German soccer? Results of an empirical study, implications and current reference

  • The halo effect is a cognitive bias known from social psychology. A halo effect occurs when a global impression or information about a salient characteristic shapes the evaluation of other characteristics. In a sports-related context, the halo effect has hardly been researched so far, although this could contribute significantly to understanding the thinking and behavior of sports fans. In this research paper, the following questions are investigated: Is there a halo effect in soccer? Does the sporting success or failure of a club outshine other sporting aspects? Does sporting success or failure possibly even distort fans' perception of non-sporting aspects? The research paper reflects the current state of halo research and presents the results of an empirical study in which fans of soccer clubs from the German Bundesliga were interviewed. The results of the analyses substantiate the distortion of the fans’ perception with regard to a very diverse range of aspects that is triggered by the sporting success or failure of their favorite club.

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Author of HS ReutlingenNufer, Gerd
Erschienen in:International journal of innovative business strategies (IJIBS)
Publisher:Infonomics Society
Place of publication:London
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2021
Page Number:6
First Page:439
Last Page:444
DDC classes:658 Allgemeines Management
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International