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Supply chain finance : cost-benefit differentials under reverse factoring with extended payment terms

  • This article studies the effects of reverse factoring in a supply chain when the buyer company facilitates its lower short-term borrowing rates to the supplier corporation in return for extended payment terms. We explore the role of interest rate changes, rating changes, and the business cycle position on the cost and benefit trade-off from a supplier perspective. We utilize a combined empirical approach consisting of an event study in Step 1 and a simulation model in Step 2. The event study identifies the quantitative magnitude of central bank decisions and rating changes on the interest rate differential. The simulation computes with a rolling-window methodology the daily cost and benefits of reverse factoring from 2010 to 2018 under the assumption of the efficient market hypothesis. Our major finding is that changes of crucial financial variables such as interest rates, ratings, or news alerts will turn former win-win into win-lose situations for the supplier contingent to the business cycle. Overall, our results exhibit sophisticated trade-offs under reverse factoring and consequently require a careful evaluation in managerial decisions.

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Author of HS ReutlingenHerzog, Bodo; Beyer, Hans-Martin
Erschienen in:International journal of financial studies
Place of publication:Basel
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2021
Tag:business cycle; central bank; company news; event study; interest rates; payment term extension; rating update; reverse factoring; simulation; supply chain finance
Page Number:17
Article Number:59
DDC classes:330 Wirtschaft
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International