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Towards a taxonomy of smart home technology: a preliminary understanding

  • While there has been increased digitization of private homes, only little has been done to understand these specific home technologies, how they serve consumers, among other issues. “Smart home technology” (SHT) refer to a wide range of artifacts from cleaning aids to energy advisors. Given this breadth, clarity surrounding the key characteristics and the multi-faceted impact of SHT is needed to conduct more directed research on SHT. We propose a taxonomy to help outline the salient intended outcomes of SHT. Through a process involving five iterations, we analyzed and classified 79 technologies (gathered from literature and industry reports). This uncovered seven dimensions encompassing 20 salient characteristics. We believe these dimensions/characteristics will help researchers and organizations better design and study the impacts of these technologies. Our long-term agenda is to use the proposed taxonomy for an exploratory inquiry to understand tensions occurring when personal and sustainability-related outcomes compete.

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Author of HS ReutlingenWunderlich, Philipp
Erschienen in:International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2021), 12-15 December 2021, Austin, Texas, proceedings
Publisher:Association for Information Systems
Place of publication:Atlanta, GA
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2021
Tag:NVM method; green IS; outcomes; private household; smart home technology; sustainability; taxonomy
Page Number:9
First Page:1
Last Page:9
DDC classes:004 Informatik
Open access?:Nein