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Literature review of emotions in fashion shopping behavior

  • The purpose of this paper is to review, compare and contrast the body of published literature regarding consumer related emotions in fashion shopping behavior. This paper analyses 39 academic articles which focus on emotions in fashion shopping behavior between 2000 and 2013. Therefore articles which examine the influence of environmental stimuli in a retail setting as well as articles which focus on the impact of factors affecting individuals especially in shopping for fashion were analysed. Most of the articles are based on the SOR paradigm. A larger focus is recently placed on the research of emotions and consumers’ behavior in online fashion environments. The influence of stimuli, occurring in endogenous and exogenous ways, on consumers’ emotion and resulting behavior could be confirmed in most studies. However the determination of addressed emotions is already widely researched, the impact on consumers’ shopping behavior has to be analysed more detailed.

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Author of HS ReutlingenSträhle, Jochen; Freise, Matthias
Erschienen in:Conference Proceedings : Abstracts and articles presented at the second Colloquium on European Research in Retailing ; CERR 2014 ; 25.-27.09.2014, Universität Bremen
Publisher:Universität Bremen
Place of publication:Bremen
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2014
Creating Corporation:Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR)
Tag:emotions; fashion online shopping; offline shopping; shopper behavior
Page Number:7
First Page:70
Last Page:76
DDC classes:380 Handel, Kommunikation, Verkehr
Open access?:Nein