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Dynamic implications of the biological link between bovine milk and meat production for operationalizing the planetary health diet

  • The EAT–Lancet planetary health diet (PHD) provides guidelines on a global scale and calls for red meat consumption to be halved. Operational PHD guidelines at country level have yet to be determined. Here we argue that the biological link between milk and bovine-meat production must be considered when operationalizing the globally calculated PHD to national contexts. Using a stylized computer simulation model rooted in a food system approach, we explore the impact of dietary scenarios on milk and bovine-meat production and show that ignoring this biological link can lead to substantial imbalances between national dietary guidelines and production outcomes and potentially lead to food waste. Furthermore, we assess current national dietary guidelines in Europe and find that most disregard this biological link and are incompatible with the PHD, with implications for policymakers and consumers to consider when adapting the PHD in national contexts.

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Author of HS ReutlingenKapmeier, Florian
Erschienen in:Nature food
Publisher:Nature Research
Place of publication:London
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2023
Tag:Planetary Health Diet; agriculture; sustainability; system dynamics; systems thinking
Page Number:4
First Page:1070
Last Page:1074
DDC classes:333.7 Natürliche Ressourcen, Energie und Umwelt
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt