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Framework for integrating intelligent product structures into a flexible manufacturing system

  • Increasing individualisation of products with a high variety and shorter product lifecycles result in smaller lot sizes, increasing order numbers, and rising data and information processing for manufacturing companies. To cope with these trends, integrated management of the products and manufacturing information is necessary through a “product-driven” manufacturing system. Intelligent products that are integrated as an active element within the controlling and planning of the manufacturing process can represent flexibility advantages for the system. However, there are still challenges regarding system integration and evaluation of product intel-ligence structures. In light of these trends, this paper proposes a conceptual frame-work for defining, analysing, and evaluating intelligent products using the example of an assembly system. This paper begins with a classification of the existing problems in the assembly and a definition of the intelligence level. In contrast to previous approaches, the analysis of products is expanded to five dimensions. Based on this, a structured evaluation method for a use case is presented. The structure of solving the assembly problem is provided by the use case-specific ontology model. Results are presented in terms of an assignment of different application areas, linking the problem with the target intelligence class and, depending on the intelligence class of the product, suggesting requirements for implementation. The conceptual frame-work is evaluated by utilising a case study in a learning factory. Here, the model-mix assembly is controlled actively by the workpiece carrier in terms of transferring the variant-specific work instructions to the operator and the collaborative robot (cobot) at the workstations. The resulting system thus enables better exploitation of the poten-tials through less frequent errors and shorter search times. Such an implementation has demonstrated that the intelligent workpiece carrier represents an additional part for realising a cyber-physical production system (CPPS).

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Author of HS ReutlingenBurkart, Adrian; Bitsch, Günter
Erschienen in:Smart, sustainable manufacturing in an ever-changing world : Proceedings of International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA ’22) ; 9-11 March 2022, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Place of publication:Cham
Editor:Konrad von Leipzig, Natasha Sacks, Michelle McClelland
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2023
Tag:capability model; flexible manufacturing system; intelligent products; intelligent workpiece carrier; manufacturing control
Page Number:13
First Page:639
Last Page:651
DDC classes:330 Wirtschaft
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt