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Biofabrication's contribution to the evolution of cultured meat

  • Cultured Meat (CM) is a growing field in cellular agriculture, driven by the environmental impact of conventional meat production, which contributes to climate change and occupies ≈70% of arable land. As demand for meat alternatives rises, research in this area expands. CM production relies on tissue engineering techniques, where a limited number of animal cells are cultured in vitro and processed to create meat-like tissue comprising muscle and adipose components. Currently, CM is primarily produced on a small scale in pilot facilities. Producing a large cell mass based on suitable cell sources and bioreactors remains challenging. Advanced manufacturing methods and innovative materials are required to subsequently process this cell mass into CM products on a large scale. Consequently, CM is closely linked with biofabrication, a suite of technologies for precisely arranging cellular aggregates and cell-material composites to construct specific structures, often using robotics. This review provides insights into contemporary biomedical biofabrication technologies, focusing on significant advancements in muscle and adipose tissue biofabrication for CM production. Novel materials for biofabricating CM are also discussed, emphasizing their edibility and incorporation of healthful components. Finally, initial studies on biofabricated CM are examined, addressing current limitations and future challenges for large-scale production.

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Author of HS ReutlingenAlbrecht, Franziska; Klatt, Annemarie; Heine, Simon; Kluger, Petra
Erschienen in:Advanced healthcare materials
Place of publication:Hoboken, NJ
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2024
Tag:adipose tissue; bioassembly; bioprinting; cultured meat; muscle tissue; scale-up; tissue engineering
Page Number:21
First Page:1
Last Page:21
Article Number:2304058
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:540 Chemie
610 Medizin, Gesundheit
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - CC BY-NC-ND - Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International