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Considering driver stress to increase the user acceptance while generating recommendations in an energy-efficiency and safety relevant driving system

  • Besides the optimisation of the car, energy-efficiency and safety can also be increased by optimising the driving behaviour. Based on this fact, a driving system is in development whose goal is to educate the driver in energy-efficient and safe driving. It monitors the driver, the car and the environment and gives energy-efficiency and safety relevant recommendations. However, the driving system tries not to distract or bother the driver by giving recommendations for example during stressful driving situations or when the driver is not interested in that recommendation. Therefore, the driving system monitors the stress level of the driver as well as the reaction of the driver to a given recommendation and decides whether to give a recommendation or not. This allows to suppress recommendations when needed and, thus, to increase the road safety and the user acceptance of the driving system.

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Author of HS ReutlingenMartínez Madrid, Natividad
Erschienen in:Proceedings of the International Workshop on Mobile Networks for Biometric Data Analysis (mBiDA)
Publisher:Università Politecnica delle Marche
Place of publication:Ancona
Editor:Massimo Conti, Simone Orcioni, Natividad Martínez MadridORCiD, Ralf Seepold
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2014
Page Number:8
First Page:51
Last Page:58
DDC classes:610 Medizin, Gesundheit
Open access?:Nein