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Impact of a Fashion fTRACE App on the perception of sustainability

  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the consumers’ perception of sustainability and the application of a QR-code in stores with the focus on the information searching behavior regarding sustainable aspects. An online questionnaire was conducted with fashion students at Reutlingen University: in total, 65 students participated in the survey. Paired samples t-test and other statistical analyses were applied to test research questions. Apart from this, the research paper is based on a literature review. Furthermore, the decision was taken to use a projective method in the form of a dummy fashion fTRACE website. Key findings of the survey are that participants give sustainable aspects a higher importance with a QR-code than without one. Participants who prefer a product with detailed information experience a “positive shopping feeling” when provided with transparency via a QR-code. “Origin”, “production” and “quality” were rated of higher importance by those participants. These findings suggest that, transparency provided through the application of a QR-Code in stores influences the consumers’ perception of sustainability. Due to the small sample size of participants (65) in the study, findings of this research not generalizable to a larger population. This paper focused on the consumers’ information searching behavior regarding sustainable aspects, limiting its findings to impacts on perception of sustainability. Further research is therefore recommended.

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Author of HS ReutlingenSträhle, Jochen; Girwert, Franziska
Erschienen in:Journal of international business research and marketing
Publisher:Inovatus Services
Place of publication:Zagreb
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2016
Page Number:12
First Page:7
Last Page:18
DDC classes:330 Wirtschaft
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - Namensnennung