A behavior marker tool for measurement of the non-technical skills of software professionals : an empirical investigation
- Managers recognize that software development project teams need to be developed and guided. Although technical skills are necessary, non-technical (NT) skills are equally, if not more, necessary for project success. Currently, there are no proven tools to measure the NT skills of software developers or software development teams. Behavioral markers (observable behaviors that have positive or negative impacts on individual or team performance) are beginning to be successfully used by airline and medical industries to measure NT skill performance. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate the behavior marker system tool that can be used by different managers or coaches to measure the NT skills of software development individuals and teams. This paper presents an empirical study conducted at the Software Factory where users of the behavior marker tool rated video clips of software development teams. The initial results show that the behavior marker tool can be reliably used with minimal training.
Author of HS Reutlingen | Münch, Jürgen |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:bsz:rt2-opus4-7317 |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.18293/SEKE2015-227 |
Erschienen in: | Proceedings SEKE 2015 : the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering; July 6 - 8, 2015, Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center, Pittsburgh, USA |
Document Type: | Conference proceeding |
Language: | English |
Publication year: | 2015 |
Tag: | behavior marker; non-technical skills; performance |
Page Number: | 6 |
First Page: | 409 |
Last Page: | 414 |
DDC classes: | 000 Allgemeines, Wissenschaft |
Open access?: | Ja |
Licence (German): | Open Access |