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Enhancing emotional involvement with video-marketing

  • Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to elaborate if video marketing enhance emotional involvement. Therefore a literature research is done in two parts. Firstly there is a review on the development of marketing communication and video marketing. In the second part of the review the focus is set on emotions itself, how emotional involvement is generated and how emotions influence consumption behavior. Findings: The key finding of this paper is that videos can enhance emotions through their multi-sensory character in an efficient way. Furthermore there could be identified that especially viral videos create emotional enhancement and meet the direct marketing approach.

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Author of HS ReutlingenSträhle, Jochen
Erschienen in:Emotionalizing fashion retail : the guide for retail success
Publisher:Books on Demand
Place of publication:Norderstedt
Editor:Jochen SträhleORCiD
Document Type:Book chapter
Publication year:2015
Tag:emotions; involvement; psychological processes; video advertisement; video-marketing; viral videos
Page Number:26
First Page:153
Last Page:178
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:658 Allgemeines Management
Open access?:Nein