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What external factors determine information system adoption? A literature review on the Technology Acceptance Model

  • The question of why individuals adopt information technology has been present in the information systems research since the past quarter century. One of the most used models for predicting the technology usage was introduced by Fred David: The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). It describes the influence of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on attitude, behavioral intention and system usage. The first two mentioned factors in turn are influenced by external variables. Although a plethora of papers exists about the TAM , an extensive analysis of the role of the external variables in the model is still missing. This paper aims to give an overview ove the most important variables. In an extensive literature review, we identified 763 relevant papers, found 552 unique single extenal variables, characterized the most important of them, and described the frequency of their appearance. Additionally, we grouped these variables into four categories (organizational characteristis, system characteristics, user personal characteristics, and other variables). Afterwards we discuss the results and show implications for theory and practice.

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Author of HS ReutlingenStei, Gerald; Rossmann, Alexander
Erschienen in:Digital Enterprise Computing (DEC 2016) : June 14 - 15, 2016, Böblingen, Germany
Publisher:Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V
Place of publication:Bonn
Editor:Dieter Hertweck
Document Type:Book chapter
Publication year:2016
Tag:Technology Acceptance Model; literature review
Page Number:22
First Page:27
Last Page:48
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:004 Informatik
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Open Access