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ITMA 2015 : innovations in the area of braiding

  • ITMA 2015 which took place from November 12-19, 2015, in Milan/Italy showed new record results. The number of exhibitors rose in comparison to ITMA 2011 by 25% to nearly 1,700 exhibitors, and visitors and exhibition space rose by 20%. A survey by the German Textile Machinery Association (VDMA) and interviews at the fair conducted by the author showed that the exhibiting companies were highly satisfied with the quality and the number of discussions and that many new customers could be acquired. Furthermore, the VDMA survey showed that 74% of the German companies already concluded negotiations and contracts at the show. Of particular note were the transactions of the Belgian weaving machinery manufacturer Picanol, which sold hundreds of machines directly at the fair. The estimatons regarding aftersales were also expected to be good to very good. This is a very welcome development in comparison to both preceding ITMA shows.

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Author of HS ReutlingenMilwich, Markus
Erschienen in:Melliand international
Publisher:Deutscher Fachverlag
Place of publication:Frankfurt
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2016
Page Number:4
First Page:105
Last Page:108
DDC classes:670 Industrielle und handwerkliche Fertigung
Open access?:Nein