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How do software startups approach experimentation? Empirical results from a qualitative interview study

  • Software startups often make assumptions about the problems and customers they are addressing as well as the market and the solutions they are developing. Testing the right assumptions early is a means to mitigate risks. Approaches such as Lean Startup foster this kind of testing by applying experimentation as part of a constant build-measure-learn feedback loop. The existing research on how software startups approach experimentation is very limited. In this study, we focus on understanding how software startups approach experimentation and identify challenges and advantages with respect to conducting experiments. To achieve this, we conducted a qualitative interview study. The initial results show that startups often spent a disproportionate amount of time focusing on creating solutions without testing critical assumptions. Main reasons are the lack of awareness, that these assumptions can be tested early and a lack of knowledge and support on how to identify, prioritize and test these assumptions. However, startups understand the need for testing risky assumptions and are open to conducting experiments.

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Author of HS ReutlingenGutbrod, Matthias; Münch, Jürgen
Erschienen in:Product-focused software process improvement : 18th International Conference, PROFES 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, November 29-December 1, 2017, proceedings. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 10611)
Place of publication:Cham
Editor:Michael Felderer
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2017
Tag:experiment; experimentation; lean startup; minimum viable product; software startups
Page Number:8
First Page:297
Last Page:304
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:005 Computerprogrammierung, Programme, Daten
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt