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A review on "Brain computation as hierarchical abstraction"

  • This article is a review of the book "Brain computation as hierarchical abstraction" by Dana H. Ballard published by MIT press in 2015. The book series computational neuroscience familiarizes the reader with the computational aspects of brain functions based on neuroscientific evidence. It provides an excellent introduction of the functioning, i.e. the structure, the network and the routines of the brain in our daily life. The final chapters even discuss behavioral elements such as decision-making, emotions and consciousness. These topics are of high relevance in other sciences such as economics and philosophy. Overall, Ballard’s book stimulates a scientifically well-founded debate and, more importantly, reveals the need of an interdisciplinary dialogue towards social sciences.

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Author of HS ReutlingenHerzog, Bodo
Erschienen in:Review of economic and business studies
Publisher:De Gruyter
Place of publication:Iaşi
Document Type:Review
Publication year:2016
Tag:book review; computational neuroscience; link to social sciences
Page Number:8
First Page:293
Last Page:300
DDC classes:330 Wirtschaft
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Open Access